Pathology Services
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine delivers an essential component of the specialty care provided by New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai (NYEE). As a specialty hospital focused on ophthalmology and otolaryngology, our pathologists see a high volume of patients with a wide spectrum of diseases. This depth of experience makes our diagnostic service uniquely equipped to assist our staff physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of complex, advanced, or rare conditions of the eye, ear, nose, and throat or head and neck.
In addition to serving NYEE’s patients, our department is a major referral center for the Metropolitan area and the Northeastern U.S. Our experienced and dedicated ophthalmic and head and neck pathologists are also sought after for second opinion, and process nearly 10,000 pathology cases per year.
Laboratory Specimen Collection Manual
If you require pathology services, please visit our Specimen Collection website to find detailed information and our policies and procedures for the collection, labeling, packaging, storing, and transporting of specimens.
Our Services
Our Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine is pleased to offer the following range of services.
Anatomic (Surgical) Pathology
The surgical pathology biopsy service provides rapid and accurate analysis of biopsies. Our pathologists have at their disposal most of the modalities available at large medical centers, including:
- Transmission electron microscopy for ultrastructural analysis of tumors and other tissues.
- Our unique diagnostic scanning electron microscopy facility for the diagnosis of corneal endothelial disease and surface abnormalities of intraocular implants.
- Immunofluorescence microscopy for the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases of the oral mucosa, skin, and conjunctiva is routinely performed (over 200 cases per year).
- Molecular pathology for the diagnosis of lymphoproliferative diseases, viral infections, and squamous cancers of the head and neck region.
Complete immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization studies are also performed in our laboratories.
Please refer to the following form:
Fine-Needle Aspiration (FNA)
A fine-needle aspiration biopsy allows the pathologist to examine the patient, perform the aspiration, and evaluate the cytologic material in one setting. This service is usually employed by the otolaryngologists as well as ophthalmology patients with orbital and intraocular disease.
Patients can be seen quickly for FNA testing at NYEE. Ultrasound images are captured during an FNA procedure, and immediate assessment of the sample will be performed while the patient is waiting. An FNA biopsy is an efficient and relatively safe method of obtaining material for cytological study via a noninvasive technique.
Clinical case and submitted imaging reports will be studied before an FNA procedure to ensure best outcome of the FNA test.
Clinical Laboratories
In the clinical laboratory, rapid operating room turn-around and rapid pre-operative screening for "same-day" ambulatory surgery are made possible by maintaining state-of-the-art instrumentation and a well-trained and dedicated technical staff. Complete microbiologic services are a critical component in supporting our infectious disease services. NYEE is the regional leader in providing diagnosis and treatment of intraocular and corneal infections.
Autologous Serum Eye Drops
The use of Autologous Serum Eye Drops (ASED) can provide welcome relief for patients who suffer from ocular surface disorders including severe dry-eye by promoting healthy cell growth. Non-allergenic serum eye drops are developed from the patient’s own blood. The drops help to nourish the eye and maintain healthy eye tissue much like natural tears.