Continuing Medical Education
The goal of Continuing Medical Education at New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai (NYEE) is to support the continuous professional development of physicians outlined by the ABMS Maintenance of CertificationTM program by identifying performance and knowledge gaps and developing educational interventions that alleviate deficiencies in the knowledge base and/or the quality of care rendered by the professional physician. In addition, we work to:
- Evaluate the effectiveness of educational activities through the use of needs surveys, pre- and post-tests, post-activity evaluations, follow-up surveys, and quality improvement data to plan future educational interventions that meet the needs of the professionals involved.
- Assist practicing physicians in maintaining ACGME core competencies in their chosen fields by strengthening the habits, learning processes, critical inquiry, and balanced judgments that are the hallmark of the professional and committed physician.
Confidentiality Policy
It is the intention of the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary Institute for Continuing Medical Education (ICME) to maintain the confidentiality of any physician or healthcare provider information obtained or utilized by the CME program in the course of registration for CME activities, participation as faculty, preparation and release of transcripts of activities for which credit has been earned, or any other ICME program function that involves confidential information. Such confidential information includes physician mailing address, Social Security number, and record of credit hours earned. Accordingly, all such confidential information will be retained in a secure electronic data base and filing system, never displayed where it may be observed or recorded, and be released individually only upon receipt of written authorization from the party requesting their own information.
Privacy Policy
It is the policy of the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary Institute for Continuing Medical Education (ICME) to maintain the privacy of patients’ Protected Health Information (PHI) and to abide by all state and federal privacy laws, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). PHI should not be included in CME presentations unless specific authorization has been obtained from the patient in a manner consistent with HIPAA. Of specific concern to CME providers are situations where PHI might appear in a presenter’s written educational materials or audio/visual materials. For example, information attributable to a specific patient might be included in a written case study or verbal discussion of a case or might appear in a visual presentation such as an x-ray or similar diagnostic image or test where patient identifiers have not been removed. Accordingly, PHI may not be present in any aspect of an educational presentation without a patient’s written authorization (and such authorization must be HIPAA compliant after April 14, 2003).
Enduring CME Activities
CME Activities Information
Enduring Activities include American Board of Medical Specialties (“ABMS”), Association of American Medical Colleges’ (“AAMC”), and Maintenance of Certification (“MOC”) Activities.
Provider contact Information: Continuing Medical Education, New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai, 212-870-8127.
System Requirements For Digital Editions
If you are viewing this activity online, please ensure the computer you plan to use meets the following requirements:
- Operating System: Windows or Macintosh
- Media Viewing Requirements: Flash Player or Adobe Reader
- Supported Browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and Opera
- A good Internet connection
Confidentiality Policy
It is the intention of the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary Institute for Continuing Medical Education (ICME) to maintain the confidentiality of any physician or healthcare provider information obtained or utilized by the CME program in the course of registration for CME activities, participation as faculty, preparation and release of transcripts of activities for which credit has been earned, or any other ICME program function that involves confidential information. Such confidential information includes physician mailing address, Social Security number, and record of credit hours earned. Accordingly, all such confidential information will be retained in a secure electronic data base and filing system, never displayed where it may be observed or recorded, and be released individually only upon receipt of written authorization from the party requesting their own information.
Privacy Policy
It is the policy of the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary Institute for Continuing Medical Education (ICME) to maintain the privacy of patients’ Protected Health Information (PHI) and to abide by all state and federal privacy laws, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). PHI should not be included in CME presentations unless specific authorization has been obtained from the patient in a manner consistent with HIPAA. Of specific concern to CME providers are situations where PHI might appear in a presenter’s written educational materials or audio/visual materials. For example, information attributable to a specific patient might be included in a written case study or verbal discussion of a case or might appear in a visual presentation such as an x-ray or similar diagnostic image or test where patient identifiers have not been removed. Accordingly, PHI may not be present in any aspect of an educational presentation without a patient’s written authorization (and such authorization must be HIPAA compliant after April 14, 2003).
Regularly Scheduled Series
The following grand rounds and conferences occur regularly throughout the year.
Ophthalmology Grand Rounds take place every Friday morning from 7:30 - 8:30 am in the 3rd Floor Conf. Room at New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai, 310 East 14th Street, New York. For more information contact Mbrikena.Sharka@mountsinai.org and KAlejandro@nyee.edu.
Vitreous Retina Conferences take place every Tuesday from 7:30 - 8:30 in the 3rd floor conference room at New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai, 310 East 14th Street, New York. For more information contact Mbrikena.Sharka@mountsinai.org and KAlejandro@nyee.edu.
Otolaryngology Grand Rounds take place at The Mount Sinai Hospital campus once a month. For more information contact louis.mendez@mountsinai.org
Disclosure Policy
The New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai requires that each teacher/contributor or individual in a position to control the content of a CME activity accredited by the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary disclose the existence of any relevant financial interests or other relationships (e.g. paid speaker, employee, paid consultant on a board and/or committee for a commercial company) that would potentially affect the objectivity of activity content. Teachers/Contributors are also asked to make a disclosure that a product is still investigational when an unlabeled use of a commercial product or an investigational use, not yet approved for any purpose, is discussed during an educational activity. The disclosed information in no way presumes to assess the contributor's qualifications or suitability. The intention is to provide full disclosure of any potential conflict of interest, real or apparent, which is related to a specific educational activity. Individuals who neglect to provide information about relevant financial relationships will be disqualified from serving as a planning committee member, teacher, speaker, moderator or author of the educational activity. In addition, such individuals will be prohibited from having control of or the responsibility for the development, management, presentation or evaluation of the CME activity. Full disclosure of faculty and commercial relationships, if any, will be made prior to the commencement of the activity.